Newsletter – 23rd Of August 2020

Newsletter – 23rd Of August 2020

Newsletter day is changing! Okay, guys, I’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time and the email for the monthly subscribers has rolled around, so I’m doing it. I’m going to change the day I’m sending my newsletter. I’ve been...
Newsletter – 23rd Of August 2020

Newsletter – 16th of August 2020

Are you having a good weekend? So, after a massive week of news last week, I don’t have huge amounts to share this week. Though, I do have a confession to make about the secret Cruise Control world… I do have three BookFunnel giveaways and two books to share...
Newsletter – 23rd Of August 2020

Newsletter – 9th of August 2020

I have audiobook news! I’m so excited because I finally have news about the audiobook for The Wedding to share with you. Plus information about The Baby…and there is a new chapter of Sebastian this week. So, before we get into the Cruise...
Newsletter – 23rd Of August 2020

Newsletter – 2nd of August 2020

The Baby’s cover is below!!! Hi guys, I’m so, so excited because the cover has been revealed and the pre-order is up for The Baby! I had so much fun finding quotes and info to share about the book during the reveal. I’ve decided to do something...

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