Newsletter – 29th of February 2020

Newsletter – 29th of February 2020

Are you having a great weekend? I really hope you are. It’s a long weekend here in Western Australia and I’m spending it reading books, continuing to write the sequel to ‘The Album’ (as of this morning, it’s sitting at 27,277 words long)...
How I write…

How I write…

So, I’m going to preface this by saying that I can’t speak for how other authors (did I really just call myself that?) write. I also never did any formal kind of education in creative writing, except for taking both English and English Lit in high school...
Newsletter – 29th of February 2020

Newsletter – 22nd of February 2020

The Ladies Love Literature Sale has begun! I’ve partnered through BookFunnel with 34 other authors who write an amazing selection of fiction. You can get books, samples, excerpts and teasers for free by clicking this link. Personally, I have submitted...
Very exciting news!

Very exciting news!

So, many many moons ago, I used to frequent a website called “Bub Hub”. I was fairly regular on their forums and many of my closest friends to this day are people that I met on that website. I even wrote a couple of blogs for them back in the day. One, in...
Very exciting news!

The strange thing about grief

Obviously, from the title, this isn’t going to be a particularly light-hearted entry. Sorry! So, the pre-sale went up yesterday, yay! It was Valentine’s Day and exactly one month out from the March 14th release date. I feel like that’s very...
Very exciting news!

This cover is so divine!

Isn’t it just beautiful! I can’t stop looking at it. Mark has also mocked up covers for The Wedding, The Baby and The Stalker that are equally wonderful. I thought I wanted a black and white theme for my books but it turns out it was blue that I wanted!...
Very exciting news!

Advance readers

Oh wow, I feel so…weird now! A couple of days ago, I made the big leap and sent copies to people who can be advance readers for me. There’s still some typos in it (I’m hesitant to change anything at the moment because I want to work only from the...

Where should I send them?


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