Oh wow, I feel so…weird now! A couple of days ago, I made the big leap and sent copies to people who can be advance readers for me. There’s still some typos in it (I’m hesitant to change anything at the moment because I want to work only from the document I get back from the editor) and I have some minor bits here and there that I want to change.
An example of this is that I realised this morning that I had Ariana playing pool left-handed because I’m left-handed, so that was my natural way of envisaging someone playing pool! I’m keeping a running list of these as I read/listen so that I can make sure I catch them all in the meantime.
I am still so absolutely in love with this book. I’ve used a text to speech reader to turn it into a low key audiobook so that I can listen to it while I’m driving. I gave that to my Mum who can’t read due to poor eyesight and she listened to it 3 times in 2 days!!!
A couple of people have finished reading it and they loved it, as well. Such positive feedback about not being able to put it down which is so lovely to hear, for sure! I wrote this story because I was inspired by a song and it’s been my go to daydream for years. To have other people read it and love it is amazing.
I’m struggling with some hardcore imposter syndrome, though. My brain’s telling me “you’re not a real author!” and “these people only like it because they’re your friends or family”. I vascillate between “this could be the next Twilight or Fifty Shades of Grey” and “I will probably sell about 10 copies to people I know”.
I feel strongly, though, that this niche hasn’t been filled, yet. If I was writing a vampire love story or about handsome billionaires, you’d go “well, that’s been done” but there hasn’t been a massive rock star romance book series, certainly nothing on the level of those two series to my knowledge.
Surely, there are women out there like me who LOVE romance novels, LOVED Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey and haven’t forgotten what it’s like to pine after a rock star? I mean, there’s a reason that I’m now aiming for a 14th of March publish date. It’s because my inner fangirl will never die!