Newsletter – 29th of June 2020

Newsletter – 29th of June 2020

Thirteen weeks… That is exactly how long it took me to write The Baby. It. Is. Finished. When I say that a lot of words, I mean that’s a lot of words! I’ll give more details in the Cruise Control update, but I wrote precisely...
Dear diary…

Dear diary…

It’s been a long time since we’ve talked. Okay, this is silly, I know you guys aren’t my diary. I realised that I haven’t updated this blog in…well…approximately a million years. If I was taking a guess. Let me peer back to see...
Newsletter – 29th of June 2020

Newsletter – 21st of June 2020

Do I email you too often? So, I’ve been wondering if people think that I email too frequently. I do get good feedback, but I don’t want to be emailing people more often than they’d like. That being said, if you would like to hear from me less often,...
Newsletter – 29th of June 2020

Newsletter – 14th of June 2020

We all love books, right? Hey guys, welcome to the weekend! As usual, I’m here to talk books, Cruise Control and whatever random things pops into my head while writing this! So…the elephant in the room. 365 DNI…who watched it? Unpopular opinion, but I...
Newsletter – 29th of June 2020

Newsletter – 7th of June 2020

The Wedding is finally out! Guys, I don’t think that I could be more excited! I spent the week as sick as anything and am still coughing and hacking but I feel approximately 1,000x better than I did when I wrote my last newsletter! I got my brain tickled in the...
I can’t believe it’s happening

I can’t believe it’s happening

The Wedding comes out tomorrow. That’s so insane. If you had told me back in February, when I was preparing to release The Album, that I would be releasing The Wedding on the 6th of June 2020, I would have told you that you were insane. I also would never have...

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