Two of the most satisfying words in the English language, I’ve found! I started writing The Wedding on February the 21st. I never imagined that in exactly five weeks, I would write 120,560 words to complete the novel. My initial goal was 86,000 words to match The Album, it turned out that this story needed a lot more words to tell.
I truly hope that people love it as much as I do. I feel like it’s going to be my favourite book in the series. I absolutely adore Harrison and Heather, their love feels fucking epic and real and true and hard and heartbreaking and wonderful and amazing and devestating and all-consuming and how many other adjectives can I possibly throw in here to get ALL of the feelings in? Who knows!
My point is that I adore them. I hope that you enjoy this book when it’s released on June 6th. I’m really, really proud of it. I’ll be along soon, with a reveal of the cover. Time to email my cover artist and let him know that I’m ready for him to do his magic, again!
Also, if you like the book and you figure out any of the easter eggs that I’ve left in the book and around the place, please let me know. I hope you enjoy hunting for them as much as I enjoyed leaving them out for you to find!