Unfortunately, I slept through the drawing og this prompt from the Wheel of Smut (I did warn you that might happen because it’s drawn at 5am on Sunday for me! 😝), but you can watch the other ladies draw this prompt by clicking here. The ladies talk about what they did for last week’s fic and ideas for what they might do for this one. It’s worth watching if only to hear what Mia did last week! 🤣

Once again, I really enjoyed writing this. The entire network was down at work on Monday morning, so while everyone scrolled social media, I made good use of the down time by writing this.

Am I getting totally into Chelsea and Grant’s hardcore BDSM relationship and invested in their relationship? Absolutely. I low-key want to write a fic for fun sometime that it’s smutty at all and just shows them in their daily lives. I’m curious what they’re like as people outside of these hardcore scenes! 🤔

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this week’s submission from the Wheel of Smut!

– Sian

Trigger Warnings: This fic includes hardcore BDSM including exhibitionism, degradation, and pet play. If these are triggers for you, please consider skipping this story.



Two am. Two fucking am. I shiver as I hop from foot to foot, trying to keep warm as I look at my watch. It’s one fifty-five. Grant should be here soon. Even if he’s here now, I know he won’t appear until precisely two.

I cup my hands in front of my mouth and blow into them as I pull the gray trench coat I’m wearing tighter around me.

“Good evening, pet.” Grant’s voice is low and seductive as he appears beside me, and I jump in surprise at his voice.

I note the change from my usual nickname of ‘baby girl’ but know not to comment on it and just say, “Hello, Daddy.”

“No more words from you tonight, pet. You may respond only by barking.”

A wave of arousal floods through me, and the words ‘Yes, Daddy’ are on the tip of my tongue before I catch myself and bark instead. Grant grins at me, and his cock is stiff in his pants.

“Take off your coat, pet, and give it to me before you get on your hands and knees.”

My pussy aches as I remove the trench coat, revealing the black leather skinsuit I’m wearing underneath it. The suit has a built-in tail, and I’m also wearing a pair of furry black ears. That, combined with the fact he asked me to meet him at a dog park a few blocks away from our apartment, gave me some clue as to the kind of scene he had in mind for us tonight.

I get on my hands and knees on the cold, hard path as Grant sets my coat and a bag he brought with him on a bench nearby. The dog park is small, and the bench will be in our line of sight at all times. He walks over to me with a black leash in his hands and reaches down to grab the right on my collar.

When he pulls it up to clip the leash on. There’s a slight pull on my neck, and I’m forced to lift my head. The click of the leash being connected to my collar rings out, and I have to pant for breath.

Grant strokes my head and says in a low tone, “I need to be a responsible pet owner and take my bitch for a walk.”

I start to moan but quickly turn it into a bark. Grant swats my ass, and the stinging pain adds to my arousal.

“I caught that, pet. Do it again, and you’ll be stripped to go for your walk naked.”

It’s an effective threat because the suit keeps me warm enough, but I’m still shivering.

“It’s cold. Let’s warm up by doing some laps of the park. I think five laps is a good amount.”

He leads me onto the grass, and I walk ahead of him around the park. Despite the cold, my body is flushed with heat. I’m aroused by being walked on a leash through the dog park, and my pussy aches to be filled.

As we’re approaching the bench after the third lap, I’m panting for breath because I’m so turned on, and it’s also hard work crawling full laps on my hands and knees.

“You seem like a thirsty bitch,” Grant says, and I bark to show my arousal.

Grant walks me over to the bench, where he pulls out a dog bowl. It has the name Chelsea engraved on it with a little bone next to it, and I almost explode into orgasm at the sight of it.

He opens a water bottle and pours it into the bowl, which he sets in front of me as he strokes my head. “Drink, pet.”

I lap at the water with my tongue, and my pussy is soaking the panties I wore underneath the crotchless bodysuit. Grant pats my head, strokes my back down to the suit’s tail, then rubs my wet pussy as I continue to drink.

“You know,” he says, and I lift my head to look back at him. “I think I’d like a better view for the last two laps.” I watch him pull a knife out of his pocket and bark softly. “And these panties don’t seem to be doing much at this point.”

He cuts them off me, exposing my pussy to not only the cold air but also his view and touch.

“Are you drinking, pet?”

He raises an eyebrow at me, and I turn back to the bowl. As I do, he pushes two fingers into my easily, fucking me with them while I lap at the water.

After another minute or so, and when I have to stop drinking to pant heavily for breath, he pulls his fingers out of me and announces, “Time for another lap.”

He moves back toward the grass and tugs on the leash, turning me toward him. I crawl on the grass, and my pussy drips with wetness as he walks behind me. The first three laps were fairly silent, but now Grant talks a lot.

“You’re such a dirty bitch. Aren’t you, pet? With your cunt out for anyone to see.”

I bark as my pussy clenches, and I want him to fuck me right here and now.

“You like this, don’t you,” he says when we’re about halfway around the park. “You like acting like the dog you are. Barking because you’re a bitch with nothing good to say. All you’re good for is fucking, and that cunt of yours looks more than ready to be fucked.” I can’t stop the moan that escapes me, and Grant yanks on the leash. “Bitch! You do nothing but bark. Do you understand?


I’m annoyed at myself for fucking up like that, and I bark loudly in response.

“Good. Keep walking. Do that again, and you won’t be fucked tonight. Understood, bitch?”

I bark in response, and he seems satisfied. Everything in me is on fire, and I’m lost to the experience of being with the most amazing man in the world. As he degrades me while we finish out the lap, I sink into the moment and become nothing more than the pet Grant wants me to be.

When we reach the bench again, he pulls out another Chelsea bowl. This time, he pours some dog biscuits into it. I’m unable to be horrified by the thought of eating dog biscuits and know that I will do anything that’s asked of me in this moment.

“Time for dinner, pet,” Grant purrs at me.

I lower my head and take a mouthful of the biscuits. As I chew, something in the back of my brain acknowledges that they taste like chocolate chip cookies, but all I know right now is that I’m eating my dog food.

I empty the half-filled bowl and lap at the water while Grant rubs my clit in slow circles. He drives me closer and closer to the edge, despite doing it at such a slow tempo, but stops when I lift my head from my dog bowl and pant loudly.

“One more lap, pet, and then your daily exercise will be complete.”

I can do nothing but pant loudly as I crawl my final lap of the dog park. Grant degrades me, and I bark my arousal back at him. My whole body is on fire from the deep need for him to fuck me. As we finally approach the bench, my thighs are slick with wetness from my pussy.

“You’ve been such a good girl,” Grant says, and the leash goes slack as he drops it next to me. “You’ve earned a good fucking.”

I hear him pulling down the zipper on his pants before his hands are on my hips, and he pushes his cock into me. I bark loudly as my pussy is filled, and I struggle to hold myself up on my aching hands and knees while he pounds into me roughly.

Grant grabs my hair in his fist and yanks on it, the pain in my scalp drawing attention from the pain in my hands and knees. I bark as it sends me into the orgasm that was so incredibly close anyway.

“Yes, pet. Come for me like a good girl.”

My pussy clenches and unclenches around his hard cock as waves of pleasure rock my body. I bark again, and Grant groans as his cock jerks inside me. He thrusts into me while he spills his seed deep in me.

We stay there for a moment, both panting loudly for breath, before he lets go of my hair and rubs my ass softly with his hand.

“Good girl,” he murmurs as he pulls out of me.

I stay where I am while I listen to him sorting himself out before he empties the last of the water out of my bowl and puts the bowls into the bag he brought with him. Both of us are still breathing loudly in the quiet, cold night air, and I start to shiver.

Grant grabs my coat and reaches down to take my hand. “Come here, baby girl.”

I struggle to a stand, and Grant holds me up as I shake my aching arms and legs. I have pins and needles as the blood comes back to my extremities. He hands me a fresh pair of underwear to put on, then helps me into the trench coat and my shoes. He picks up the bag before he leads me to his car, which is parked nearby.

We get into the backseat, and he holds me while I shiver against him. “How are you feeling, baby girl?”

“Cold,” I murmur as I’m hit with a wave of tiredness. “Sleepy.”

He leans over and grabs a thermos from the cup holder in the door. When he opens it, the smell of hot coffee fills the car.

“Have a drink of this,” he tells me after pouring some into a mug he pulls from another bag at his feet.

The warm liquid is soothing, and the hot mug is nice for my ice-cold hands. I smile at him as he pours himself a mug and takes a sip.

“You think of everything, don’t you?”

He smiles at me. “That’s my job.”

“I love you, Daddy.”

He leans across and kisses my lips softly. “I love you, too, baby girl.”


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