So I’m busy in the editing phase of The Album. I’ve gone through and done a first edit. Now I’ve got a couple of very close friends reading it through and editing for me. After that, I’ll be sending it off to a professional editor to look it over. I’m aiming for a release date of the 1st of August. I’m so happy with how the book has turned out. I like to think that it’s enjoyable enough to read that other people will like it, too.

I think my biggest hope is just that other people will love these characters and this story as much as I do. I’ve re-read the last few chapters several times now just because I enjoy them so much. That’s totally normal, right? Let’s just pretend that I only did it as part of the editing process! 😉

Seriously, though, what I think I enjoy the most about those chapters is probably that they’re the ones I haven’t “known” for seven years. They’re fresh to me. Whereas I’ve had the others written down for a long time. I’ve even re-read them several times over that time. The ending also surprised me a bit because it was slightly different than I expected it would be. When the time came to write it, it became apparent to me that it simply wasn’t going to end the way that I had thought.

Also, writing about this here? Totally tough. I want to give you guys an insight into my thinking but I don’t want to give spoilers so I should probably end this now.

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