Absolutely terrifying…

Absolutely terrifying…

I’m going to be quitting my day job tomorrow, well...today now. My book income is nowhere near what I need to replace my day job income, and that’s terrifying. I basically have one year to increase my book income to $10k a month (because that allows a buffer and for...

Update from me!

Update from me!

Just a quick note that the wheel of smut for this week IS coming. I've been slammed at work training the new person, but I'll write it today or tomorrow and post it. I also need to get on to this month's custom fic requests as well as finish off Jenny's custom fic for...

Wheel of Smut Prompt 4 – Dickasaurus Rex

Wheel of Smut Prompt 4 – Dickasaurus Rex

Once again, I slept through the Wheel of Smut draw. This week…this week I might wake up at 5am for it on Sunday. Let's see! 🤣You can watch the draw by clicking here.Well...we finally got it! Dickasaurus Rex lol! Because I don't write paranormal or shifters, I wasn't...

Wheel of Smut this week!

Wheel of Smut this week!

Just making a quick post to let you guys know that this week’s Wheel of Smut fic will be up tomorrow. I didn’t get it written on the weekend and I’ve been so slammed at work this week that I didn’t get a chance to write it.It’s almost finished, but it’s 12:57am here,...

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